Wholehearted Therapeutic Massage
Let me dedicate my life today to the care of those who come my way.
Let me touch each one with healing hands,
for the gentle art for which I stand.
Let the divine force flow from me to you.
Let our energy and spirit renew.
And then tonight when day is done,
let me rest in peace if I helped just one.
Hours by Appointment
Text to Schedule
Monday: 8:30-2:30
Tuesday: 8:30-6:30
Wednesday: 8:30-6:30
Thursday: 8:30-3 Saturday: 8-2

Samantha Shafer
licensed massage therapist
I’ve been a Massage Therapist since 2002. I graduated from the National University of Health Sciences as a certified Massage therapist. I also have a Bachelor's degree from The International Academy of Merchandising and Design in Chicago.  I started my massage career in a spa and moved on to working with chiropractors. I have taken continuing education in orthopedic massage, cupping and instrument assisted massage. In 2016 I was offered an opportunity to start my own practice. In 2017 & 2018 I was voted The Best Massage in Kendall County and in 2019 I was voted as One of the Best.  I'm so blessed and I truly love what I do.